2 thoughts on “Peas in a pod; apple doesn’t fall far from the tree (post by James)”

  1. So sorry I lost your blog and haven’t responded to your wonderful trip commentary. But I’ve just had a lovely time catching up:
    I’ve watched the geyser blow,
    wondered if the green lagoon was warmer than your swimming pool
    Was excited about the puffins (I loved a book called Peter the Puffin when I was small) only to feel really disappointed for you
    Felt sad about the Iceland glacier but loved your iceberg photos
    Thought Popsie would have liked the LEGO cars as much as the gocarts he took you to
    And was very impressed by the 46.5km bike ride and thought you both definitely deserved those supersize lollipops!
    Missing you here in sunny WELLINGTON but wondering what adventures you’re on to next?
    Big hugs, Mai

    1. dear mai thank you for replying in comments. Yay. lucky you having a warm Wellington. in oslo the temperature was 31 celsius. the green lagoon was a geothermal pool so it was much much warmer than our pool, it was boiling.the geyser was awesome. i am so glad i caught it on camera.
      i was really excited to see puffins but it was a rip of and a man was leaning on the gate and the gate fell into the sea. scary!it was okay doing biking it was fairly hard.tonight we are going to see the midnight sun. big hugs billie.xoxoxoxo

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