The reindeer were drawn by Dr Seuss!

clip clop clip , the reindeer were running around us. slurp slurp went the reindeer when they ate our food.

4 thoughts on “The reindeer were drawn by Dr Seuss!”

  1. Could you bring a reindeer home with you – just a small one of course. Love Granddad

  2. I can’t imagine how they could possibly pull Santa’s sleigh. As far as exotic creatures go, I think I’d choose alpacas.

  3. Guys…mai has sorted me out with this blogging business. So here goes. It seems my earlier comments went to Mars or Saturn…who knows. What amazing experience you lucky jokers. Obviously your naked swimmings in cold wilton road has hardened you for your polar dips. Yikes. Aren’t those reindeer just so neat..bring one home. Would be a great hit. You could make good pocket money selling reindeer rides. Great idea popsie. Lots of love to you travelling jokers.xx

    1. Thanks Popsie. We are having a great time. But behind in our posts. We will try and smuggle a reindeer. Love Billie

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