Sailing away

I loved being captain.  I was the boss and everyone had to say “aye aye captain” when I said “ready to tack?”.  So, been there, done that, got that hat!  (Mama was just borrowing the hat.)

One thought on “Sailing away”

  1. On my reckoning poohs and raf have swum so much they will be growing scales! What a stunning collection of photos .. what stunning experiences, what stunning EPs. Cool cats eh. You all look made for the part of admirals, or sailors, or captains, or cabin boys. Mai and popsie recognise a lot of the places you have visited.. Split, Vis, Hvar, st Moritz,..but they had to wait until they were old as before visithg them! You lucky jokers not even 10! Zanna at your age only got as far as Queenstown, Turangi, little beach, and Fiji. Sorry Zanna …deprived. At least we had a mammalian visitation in Wellys harbour recently as I told Zanna in txt. Elfie and I saw huge southern right whale from our treat site on the band rotunda. 100 mtrs off the beach. So there! How about that! However no swimming, no sailing, no ice rooms, no biking,..yes, you lot are having incredible experiences. Bit jealous here. Pissin with rain, cold and yuckie. Your photos and stories bring us sunshine and warm feelings as we ogle in awe at your activities. Love from us olds at wilton road.

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