Mid-term break: Disneyland, Valencia and Madrid

Last week was our mid-term break.

We went to Paris Disneyland!  It was fun.  I went on a rollercoaster — it went upside down.  It was really exciting!  My favourite rides were the Star Wars movie and rollercoaster.  It was cold and raining when we got there; it felt like a ski mountain.  But it cleared up and was fun.


Next we flew from Paris to Valencia.  It was Halloween and i got lots of candy from a sweet store.  They had candy eyeballs a witch’s cauldron to put them in.  The next day we explored Valencia.  I loved the Beluga whales at the aquarium.

Next stop Madrid.  We did lots of walking and visited the Prado museum and Reina Sofia.  My favourite painting was Guernica by Picasso.  I really like being in a big city, I think i’m a big city girl.  We also tried out a Lime e-scooter!

One thought on “Mid-term break: Disneyland, Valencia and Madrid”

  1. Hi Billie and Rafael,
    What experiences you are having. We have never been to the places that you are visiting. I hope that you are both keeping a diary to look at in the future, otherwise I just cannot imagine how you will remember all these cities. Look after each other. All our love, Nana and Granddad

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